These 12 Awareness Through Movement® lessons were taught live in a 4-day workshop entitled Regain Your Balance Through the Feldenkrais Method® taught by Diana Razumny in Santa Fe NM in March of 2018.
This lesson series (and the discourse not recorded) helped participants appreciate the power of the Feldenkrais Method for exploring balance and stability. Strong themes visited repeatedly were the feet, head, eyes and walking. For those interested in the sources of the lessons, they were taken from Dr. Feldenkrais’ large body of work called Alexander Yanai, Mark Reese and Gaby Yaron.
Download includes:
- Track 1 – ATM Lesson #1 Circling hip joint, on back [67 min]
- Track 2 – ATM Lesson #2 Sidebending on back & belly [63 min]
- Track 3 – ATM Lesson #3 Walking #1[22 min]
- Track 4 – ATM Lesson #4 Walking #2[43 min]
- Track 5 – ATM Lesson #5 Swinging leg with footprint, bend/straighten knee/ankle/toes #1 [58 min]
- Track 6 – ATM Lesson #6 Swinging arms around in standing, eye closed [42 m]
- Track 7 – ATM Lesson #7 Swinging leg with footprint #2 [62 min]
- Track 8 – ATM Lesson #8 Walking #3[38 min]
- Track 9 – ATM Lesson #9 Tilting knees in/out[57 min]
- Track 10 – ATM Lesson #10 Swinging leg with footprint #2, Part 2 [39 min]
- Track 11 – ATM Lesson #11 Standing, shifting on heels [40 min]
- Track 12 – ATM Lesson #12 Lifting hip joints, lengthening arms [38 min]
*The discussions and visual presentations were removed to create an easy format for doing this ATM series. Because of the live nature of the recordings you will occasionally hear a discussion reference. Designed to be done in order for the first time around.